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Latest News Headlines
  • A Senate committee has recommended a tax incentives and integrity Bill be passed     |

  • The Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board has introduced new professional ethical standards     |

  • The Full Federal Court has found bank deposits were ordinary income     |

  • The Full Federal Court has overturned a judgment that the AAT failed to perform statutory duty     |

The Professionals Choice
Providing tax, superannuation and trust education and precedent products
Macquarie Group Services

Macquarie Group Services (MGS) provides products and services to the accounting, legal and financial planning professions. Established in 1999, the company has grown in reputation and size over the last 20 years. MGS provides cutting edge up to date solutions whether your client is acquiring a townhouse or wishes to do a corporate consolidation/reconstruction. Browse our site, or call us to find out about our trust deeds, super funds, companies, precedent documents, online technical updating and education.

What we offer

Macquarie Group Services offers a wide range of products and services to professionals across Australia. From company, Trust and SMSF creation and maintenance to tax advice on complex issues. We have been providing expert, high quality services for more than 20 years from our Sydney location and have earned a reputation as the go-to for everything tax. Check out our range of products and services below and find out how we can help you and your clients.

Perpetuity Period – 125 Years is the new order

The perpetuity has recently been changed to 125 years in the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Queensland. All states in Australia will eventually follow. Make sure the deeds you are ordering are ready.

Succession Trusts – Lockdown v Non-Lockdown

The use of Succession Trusts is not new for High Wealth Individuals. The Murdoch family, the Pratt family and many others. They are now available to all people that decide to arrange their affairs through a trust. Existing trusts can be amended so that they contain succession features.

Moving property in Queensland between trusts without stamp duty

Whether it be land tax savings or property restructures for income tax, duty is not payable when moving property between trusts (subject to certain conditions).

Moving property in Western Australia without stamp duty

From moving property into a trust to moving property from a company to a trust can now be done without incurring a liability to duty in Western Australia.

Property development structures – Asset protection

Following the Designers and Building Practitioners Act 2020 developers need to consider how to structure developments so that retained property may be moved away from the development entity without income tax, GST or duty if structured correctly.

Structuring to avoid unintended Capital Gains

Many property owners and businesses have incorrectly structured their affairs such that they are paying additional income tax on capital gains that could otherwise be avoided. The instant asset write-off and temporary full expensing will hurt those who didn't structure correctly. It mightn't be too late.

Earn CPE/CPD/CLE credits directly from your desktop

Benefit from expert commentary on hot tax topics of the moment, broadcasted directly to your home or office through your broadband internet connection.

Still have questions?
Feel Free to Get in Touch With us
You can find us here:
Level 7, 77 Castlereagh St, Sydney, 2000
Postal Address: GPO Box 512
Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia
Phone: (02) 9231 5111
Email: contact@macquariegs.com.au
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